Loving our Students on Purpose: Building a culture of joy, responsibility and connection.
By Bernii Godwin with Danny Silk
Enjoy Teaching.
Enjoy Learning.
Connect back to your first love, teaching students.
Your pathway to a connected classroom culture begins today!
Imagine a school where students, parents and teachers are happy to take responsibility for their own choices and actions because they have mastered connection in the classroom.
Insert hope into your school community today.
“LoSoP is not another program for your teachers to learn; rather it is an internal reflection process focused on developing and maintaining a safe and loving school culture that can be embedded into the hearts of the teaching teams and their assistants, allied health and wellbeing staff, executive and board members. Loving our Students on Purpose is a great tool to increase student and staff retention, job satisfaction and joyful responsibility in your school community.”
Dr Lynne Doneley
Executive Director/Principal Research Officer, Associated Christian Schools, State Executive Officer QLD, Christian Education NationalPurchasing Options
Never argue with a student again!
“Godwin and Silk bring together a powerful combination of the science of connection, co-regulation, choice theory, and applied neuroscience for educators in an easy to understand and very practical handbook. If you want to know how your students are ‘wired’ and how to nurture a culture of effective learning, I guarantee Loving Our Students on Purpose will give you the science and the application you will need to transform your classroom.”
Matthew Dahlitz
Author of The Practitioner’s Guide to the Science of Psychotherapy; The Teacher’s Essential Guide to the Brain (Co-Author); The Psychotherapist’s Essential Guide to the Brain; Founder of the International Journal of Neuropsychotherapy; The Neuropsychotherapist, and The Science of Psychotherapy.What Are People Saying?
“Loving Our Students on Purpose is an extraordinarily timely book that seamlessly integrates neuroscience, contemporary psychology, and rich personal experience into a highly practical approach to reinvigorate the teacher-student connection.
We owe it to ourselves and to the future of our children to invest in these ideas, and fortunately the authors make this easy through illuminating case studies that bring the concepts to life.”
Jurie Rossouw
CEO & Co-founder of Hello Driven CEO Driven, resilience expert and author.“Godwin & Silk speak poignantly to our current generation of educators who ‘Unless they find another way, they will walk away from their first love, teaching.’
Schools will welcome this comprehensive and empowering model for its wide application in many scenarios where difficult conversations are present as with parents and staff in relation to discipline, trauma, friendship, special needs and well-being.”
Dr Jennie Bickmore-Brand
Associate Professor, Dean of Education, Eastern College Australia“A practical book for anyone interested in helping children develop well! Integrating Danny Silk’s Loving on Purpose approaches, along with ideas and concepts from other authors and educational sources, this book is loaded with stories and everyday examples that highlight well-being for children. It is a book that creates connection with the reader through its conversational tone and the use of the author’s personal narratives, personal reflections, and individual case studies. Combining basic neuroscience knowledge with practical well-being strategies builds knowledge and important understandings for every teacher and the students they teach.”
Karen Ferry
Registered Counsellor, Neuropsychotherapist, Education, Wellbeing & Behaviour Consultant and Co-author of The Teacher’s Essential Guide to the Brain.“Loving our Students on Purpose is a resource that belongs on every teacher’s desk throughout the world. Godwin and Silk have teamed up to provide an easy-to-use tool for professionals in all areas of the education industry to navigate student behaviour, wellbeing, parent communication and school culture.“
Dr Lynne Doneley
Executive Director/Principal Research Officer, Associated Christian Schools, State Executive Officer QLD, Christian Education NationalMeet the Authors
Unite with us to eradicate fear and punishment from our education systems, transforming our communities, and our world, through inserting love and hope into the lives of our students and families.
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